Personal Responsibility

All students involved in the aerial activities must first consider any individual risk-taking part in the sports, understand and learn all inherent danger which may happen during the activities. POLE BEAT LIMITED (POLE BEAT LTD.) will not be held liable to any accidents causing injury or physical discomfort for the students during the activities, nor will POLE BEAT LTD. be liable to any compensation requested. The person or organisation who participate any event with POLE BEAT LTD. will hold full liability and legal responsibility for any accidents causing injury or physical discomfort for all participated students during the activities. Any student who fails to comply with POLE BEAT LTD.’s rules will be refused to join in all related classes or be asked to leave the venue immediately. Students must ensure his/her physical and mental health is suitable for all activities organised by POLE BEAT LTD. Students should not be subjected to the influence of any type and any amount of alcohol or drugs before the activities started. If student has taken any medication, they should also consulted a doctor and get a doctor's advice before joining the any POLE BEAT LTD.’s activities. Students need to understand activities organised by POLE BEAT LTD. are strenuous activities. Students should be sure that they do not have any heart disease (e.g., angina, cardiovascular disease, and any other heart diseases). In addition, students are required to make sure that they are not suffering from respiratory problems, such as emphysema, asthma or tuberculosis. All pregnant women should not participate in any aerial sports organised by POLE BEAT LTD. Students must follow all the safety guidelines provided by POLE BEAT LTD. before and during the activity.


任何學生於參與由POLE BEAT LTD. 舉辦之活動前必須先考慮參與活動之個人風險,並了解空中運動之固有危險性。任何學生如因參與由POLE BEAT LTD. 舉辦之活動而蒙受財產損毀,引致傷亡或身體不適,POLE BEAT LTD. 無須承擔損害賠償或補償。若由POLE BEAT LTD. 舉辦、由POLE BEAT LTD.協辦或租用POLE BEAT LTD. 所提供活動器材之活動而蒙受財產損毀、引致傷亡或身體不適,則預約該次活動的人或機構需要負上一切法律責任。任何人士如不遵守POLE BEAT LTD. 活動規則,經管理人員勸導無效時,管理人員可終止其活動,甚至將之逐離場地。 活動學生需理解一切空中運動均為劇烈的活動。學生需確信自己並無心臟疾病的病史(例如心絞痛、心血管疾病、心臟病)。此外,學生需確信自己並無呼吸問題的病史,例如肺氣腫、哮喘、或結核病。任何孕婦均不應該參與由POLE BEAT LTD.舉辦之任何空中運動。活動學生必須完全跟隨由POLE BEAT LTD.所制定之活動安全指引以進行任何形式之空中運動。


All students should manage all their personal belongings properly, POLE BEAT LTD. will not be responsible for any property damage/loss. Students must self-assess all the risks involved in activities organised by POLE BEAT LTD. POLE BEAT LTD. does not have any legal responsibility for any injuries/ accidents caused in any of the related activities. If students suffered from property damage/loss, injury or illness due to the use of any facilities/equipment in the designated venue, our company shall not be liable for damages or compensation.


活動學生於進行活動期間應妥善管理所有個人財物,任何財物損失將不會獲得POLE BEAT LTD. 之任何賠償。 學生必須於參與活動前自我評估參與一切POLE BEAT LTD.之個人風險,POLE BEAT LTD. 將不會負責一切於POLE BEAT LTD.中產生的意外或人命傷亡有關之傷亡之賠償及法律責任。使用者如因使用POLE BEAT LTD.一切設施而蒙受財產損毀,引致傷亡或身體不適,POLE BEAT LTD. 無須承擔損害賠償或補償。

Cancellation/Reschedule Policy

If students have to cancel or reschedule any bookings, the payment which has been received will not be refunded. In the event that POLE BEAT LTD. cancels training/service, the students’ credits will be returned to destinated online account/ trial class will be rescheduled.


如學生於活動舉行前取消或更改課堂時間,POLE BEAT LTD. 將不會退還一切已繳付上課費用。如POLE BEAT LTD 取消課堂,學生的學分會退回到所屬之網上戶口/ 試堂將會延期。

Force Majeure

Both POLE BEAT LTD. and students will not be obliged from their respective obligations in the event of war, blockage, revolution, insurrection, civil commotions, riots, mobilisation, strikes, lockouts, act of God, severe weather, plague or other epidemic, destruction of goods by fire or flood, obstruction of loading by storm or typhoon at the place of service provision, or if any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the parties renders the performance of the agreement impossible on the delivery date. While the payment for trial class(es)/ purchased credits will not be refunded, it will be counted as the payment for rescheduled class(es)/ returned credits to the affected students’ online account. The rescheduled class(es), if applicable, would take place within 2 months from the original event date.


因戰爭、封鎖、革命、叛亂、民眾騷擾、暴動、動員、罷工、工廠封鎖、天災、惡劣氣候、 疫病或其他染病、貨物因火災或水災而受毀壞、在活動地點因暴風兩或颱風阻礙、或在活動前買方賣方所無法控制的事故發生,而致課堂的全部或一部分未能進行,POLE BEAT LTD.和學生的應負責任不會有任何改變/取消。POLE BEAT LTD. 將不會退還學生任何已繳付之課堂費用,但費用可以當作改期後的課堂費用或退回學生的學分。如有需要,改期的課堂會在原本課堂日期的兩個月內進行。

Inclement weather

Indoor venues If typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or black rainstorm warning signal is issued within 2 hours prior to the class(es), all class(es) will be suspended. While the payment for trial class(es)/ purchased credits will not be refunded, it will be counted as the payment for rescheduled class(es)/ returned credits to the affected students’ online account. The rescheduled event would take place within 2 months from the original event date. Outdoor activities For safety reasons, if the designated activity venue is exposed to rain within two hours before the activities start, we reserve all the right to reschedule the event. For any poor weather condition during the activity, our staff who is/are responsible for the event reserve(s) all the right to decide whether to continue the event or not, while reschedule will be expected. There will be strictly no refund under these circumstances.


室內場地 如於上課前 2 小時內天文台懸掛八號或以上凡颱風訊號、黑色暴雨警告訊號,POLE BEAT LTD. 將會暫停服務,而POLE BEAT LTD. 將不會退還學生任何已繳付之訂金,但費用可以當作改期後的課堂費用或退回學生的學分。改期的課堂會在原本課堂日期的兩個月內進行。 室外場地 基於安全理由,如於活動舉行前2小時內,該室外場地的所左地區持續下雨,POLE BEAT LTD. 有權將活動延期。如於活動期間遇上任何惡劣天氣,本公司之工作人員保留暫停所有活動的權利及安排延期。而按上述情況,POLE BEAT LTD. 均不會退還學生已繳付之費用。

Damaged/Missing Equipment and Facilities

If the equipment is damaged due to improper use of in the activity, or if it is lost due to its nonproper placement in activity, the students may be charged for compensation. The amount of compensation will be judged according with the extent of damage, and the right to determine the extent of the damage is all attributed to POLE BEAT LTD. If the facilities in our studio are damaged, students would be entitled for compensation. The amount of compensation will be judged according with the extent of damage, and the right to determine the extent of the damage is all attributed to POLE BEAT LTD.


如POLE BEAT LTD. 一切活動器材因學生不當使用而導致損壞,或因學生不妥善擺放而導致遺失,POLE BEAT LTD. 可保留權利向該學生追索有關賠償,賠償金額將按照器材之損壞程度而定,損壞程度之判斷權歸於POLE BEAT LTD.。

Media Rights

Students have the right to take videos and photos in self-practice or to record their lessons’ progress, and publicised these records. POLE BEAT LTD. holds all the right to publish all the related photos and videos in any way. POLE BEAT LTD also owns the copyright any photos/films/sounds taken/filmed/recorded by POLE BEAT LTD. are all under the copyright of POLE BEAT LTD. However, POLE BEAT LTD. also holds all the right to request students to erase any records that can harm POLE BEAT LTD.’s benefits/ other students’ privacy.


學生均有權拍攝或錄影個人練習時間/所上之課堂之記錄,並可將記錄所拍攝及錄影的照片及影片向公眾發放,POLE BEAT LTD.亦有權使用相關的圖片和影片。而任何由POLE BEAT LTD. 之攝影/錄影器材所獲得之影片/圖片及聲音,均屬POLE BEAT LTD.之版權所有。然而,POLE BEAT LTD. 有權要求學生刪除任何損害POLE BEAT LTD. 之利益/ 侵犯其他學生的私隱之影片。

Photo shooting service

POLE BEAT LTD owns the copyright of any materials for photo shooting service provided by POLE BEAT LTD.. Clients/students can only use the materials for non-commericial purpose. POLE BEAT LTD reserves the right to charge the responsible party(ies) for compensation for any unauthorised use of the related materials.


POLE BEAT LTD 提供攝影服務之材料均為POLE BEAT LTD版權擁有,客戶/學生所得之材料均授權為非商業用途;若未經POLE BEAT LTD批准,材料被用作商業用途,POLE BEAT LTD可保留權利向該客戶/學生/發佈未經授權材料之單位追索有關賠賞

Modifications and amendments

POLE BEAT LTD. reserves the right to revise any website information, including the following modifications and amendments: expanding, reducing and/ or modifying any service or any part of the content of the website (; to change the terms of any service provided, and operating conditions; and / or amending the service operational rules.


POLE BEAT LTD.保留權利,藉著在其網站公佈修訂詳情,作以下修改及修訂:擴充、縮減 及/或修改其服務或本網站 ( 內容的任何部分;隨時更改其服務的條款、條件及運作;及/或修訂其學生使用服務的運作規則。

Copyright and trademark

All materials, logos and information published by POLE BEAT LTD. and all content displayed within the website (, without the prior written permission from POLE BEAT LTD., shall not be used, copied, distributed or published to any medium. If any information is downloaded from the website ( or via other media which contains materials, logos and information published by POLE BEAT LTD., you agree not to copy the information or software and not to remove or hide any copyright/notice/review/explanation from the information or software.

Purchased credits and plans

All the credits/ unlimited plans purchased from POLE BEAT LTD. shall have an expiry date (within 50 days/ 100 days/ 1 term which depends on the package purchased). Any overdue credits/ plans would not be extended (POLE BEAT LTD. reserves the right to determine any exemption). All purchased credits/plans will not be refunded in any circumstances.


所有從POLE BEAT LTD. 購買的學分/試玩計劃均設有期限,逾期的學分/ 計劃均不會延期。在所有的情況下,所購買的學分/計劃均不計退款。


POLE BEAT LTD. may collect students’ personal information through their submission of service registration. The information may be required for processing the registration, provision of services, marketing, promotional and membership purposes. Failure to provide sufficient personal information as requested in the mandatory fields on the Registration Forms may render POLE BEAT LTD. unable to provide the students’ requested services. Personal information held by POLE BEAT LTD. will be kept confidential but POLE BEAT LTD. may provide such data to the related contractors or third-party service providers who process applications and orders, provide mailing services or marketing support on POLE BEAT LTD.‘s behalf. To enable their execution of the above services, POLE BEAT LTD. will need to provide them with access to personal information on a minimum need-to-know basis. However, POLE BEAT LTD. will impose the strictest requirements of security and confidentiality on their data handling. They will not be permitted to use the personal information for anything else other than providing the required services set out above. Unless POLE BEAT LTD. have informed the student beforehand and have obtained the student’s authorisation, or are obliged to do so by law and regulatory authorities, POLE BEAT LTD. will not under any circumstances disclose student’ personal information.


POLE BEAT LTD. 有可能透過網上戶口登記收集學生的個人資料,資料可能用作登記、提供服務、行銷、推廣及會員服務。未能提供所需資料者,可能會影響POLE BEAT LTD.提供之服務。 POLE BEAT LTD. 會保密學生的個人資料,但POLE BEAT LTD.可能需要提供有關資料予相關承辦商或第三方服務提供商,以作處理申請和單據、郵記或行銷之用。POLE BEAT LTD. 會謹慎處理相關資料,以確保資料的保密性;承辦商或第三服務提供商不能使用相關資料作其他用途。除非POLE BEAT LTD. 事先通知學生及取得學生授權,或受法律機構要求,POLE BEAT LTD. 在任何情形下均不會對外公開學生之個人資料。


Any person who fails to comply with the rules of POLE BEAT LTD., especially when our staff have tried to persuade that person, the person and his/her belonging party may be refused to further participate in the activities and may be asked to leave the premise. In such cases, the activity reservation will be automatically canceled and all fees/credits paid will be forfeited. Any act in violation of our law is prohibited; and the offender must bear all responsibility. In case of any emergency, the person in charge in POLE BEAT LTD. reserve the right to absolute power to deal with the situation.


任何人士如不遵守POLE BEAT LTD. 活動規則,經公司管理人員勸導無效時,工作人員可拒絕其參與活動,甚至將之逐離場地。在此等情況下,其預定之將會自動取消,所繳費用/學分將被沒收。 任何人均禁止在POLE BEAT LTD. 之範疇內進行任何違反本港法律之行徑,違者必須承擔一切責任。如有任何突發事件,POLE BEAT LTD. 負責人保有絕對權力決定及處理。

According to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you, as a student in POLE BEAT LTD., have the rights:

i) to check whether POLE BEAT LTD. hold personal data about you and to access such data;
ii) to require POLE BEAT LTD. to correct inaccurate data;
iii) to ascertain POLE BEAT LTD.’s policies and practices in relation to personal data and the kind of personal data held by us.

Please send requests to access or correct date, to cease communications, and questions or complaints to: [email protected]

根據個人資料(私隱)條例,閣下﹝作為POLE BEAT LTD. 的學生﹞,有以下權利:
i) 了解POLE BEAT LTD. 是否留有你的個人資料及查看相關資料;
ii) 要求POLE BEAT LTD. 更改錯誤資料;
iii) 查明POLE BEAT LTD. 有關個人數據以及POLE BEAT LTD. 持有之個人數據類型的政策和慣例。